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General Information

School Visits

Written consent from parents is required before we take children on any visit which goes beyond their local environment/neighbourhood. We try to limit the number of long distance visits to prevent financial pressure on parents. Children will take part in local neighbourhood visits throughout the year which include walks to church. A separate consent form is requested for this which covers your child for their time in St. Michael's School.

Bagel Club

We continue to offer Bagel Club each morning. Bagel Club is run by Mrs Merrick (a TA) and managed by Mrs Jackson. Bagel club begins at 8.00am until the start of the school day. Children come along and have bagels, toast, crumpets, fruit & milk for their breakfast. A variety of activities are available each morning, including some physical activities.  Bagel Club provides a good start to the day and costs only £2.50 per session per child to cover the cost of child care.


St Michael's CE (A) Primary School is proud to be in partnership with Magic Breakfast, providing healthy breakfasts to our pupils so that they are settled and ready to learn.


Payment for Bagel Club should be made through the School Gateway Payment System.

Charging Policy, School visits and activities

When educational visits and activities take place during school time we usually request voluntary contributions from parents to cover the cost. If you can not make a contribution please see Mrs Jackson so she can ensure no is child barred from the activity. We are grateful for your contributions which enable visits and school activities to take place. Unfortunately, if we do not receive enough funds then the visits may have to be cancelled. For activities wholly or mainly outside school hours a charge can be expected.

School Parent Forum/PTA

St Michael's CE (A) Primary School does not currently have a PTA or Parent Forum. For any fundraising ideas or suggestions please contact Mrs Harty, School Business Manager.
