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Pupil Premium & Sports Premium

What is the Pupil Premium Grant?

The pupil premium is additional funding for publicly funded schools in England to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils and close the gap between them and their peers.


At St Michael’s CE (A) Primary School, we believe in every child’s God given right to achieve their full potential, regardless of their start point or life experiences. We have high aspirations for all of our children and we believe that no child should be left behind and have access to the same opportunities and ambitions.


We are determined that no child’s background, social or economic situation should be a barrier to their achievement, experiences and success. Pupil premium funding, along with allocations made from the schools own budget will help ensure this money is spent to maximum effect.



Information to be published to parents

In place of the current requirements regarding information about pupil premium expenditure, schools are now required to publish their 'PUPIL PREMIUM STRATEGY.'


This should include:

1.  In the previous academic year:

  • how the pupil premium allocation was spent
  • the impact of the expenditure on eligible and other pupils


 2. The current academic year:

  • the amount of the school's allocation of pupil premium grant
  • details of the main barriers to educational achievement
  • how the allocation will be spent to address the barriers and why these approaches were taken
  • how the school will measure the impact of the pupil premium
  • the date of the next pupil premium strategy review


How will the school measure the impact of the pupil premium?

To monitor progress on attainment, measures are included in the performance tables that will capture the achievement of pupils covered by the Pupil Premium. At St Michael’s CE (A) Primary School, a dedicated member of the Senior Leadership Team, ensures careful tracking of the progress and attainment of all pupils who are eligible for pupil premium; this allows any gaps to be quickly identified and interventions implemented to close these gaps. Review meetings will take place every term and will include the Headteacher, the Phase leader and the class teacher, in addition to anyone responsible for delivering interventions, where applicable.


At each review meeting, the school will review the impact of actions taken and will plan for how the funding will be specifically allocated over the next term. When selecting pupils for Pupil Premium target groups, the school will look at all pupils across the school. There are some pupils who are not eligible for PP who will benefit from these groups if their needs are similar and we believe progress can be made towards individual targets.


The link governor for Pupil Premium Funding, meets with the lead teacher and Headteacher once a term, to discuss allocation of resources, outcomes for children and future priorities.


Headteacher: Mrs Kate Jackson

Designated staff member in charge: Mrs Kate Jackson

SENDCo: Miss Lauren MacDonald

SEND Teacher:  Mrs Hayley Wilkes

Nominated Link Governor: Mrs Linda Guest




At St Michael's we believe that swimming is an essential life skill.  As a result, children in both year 3 and year 4 attend swimming lessons at The King's School.


Of the current Year 5 cohort, 74% can swim 25m with efficiency and a range of strokes, 78% are able to use self-rescue techniques and 100% can swim at least 5m.


Of the current Year 6 cohort, 60% can swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25m, using a range of strokes. 83% can swim 5m. 60% are able to perform safe self-rescue in different water situations.
