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Calm Brain

CalmBrain helps manage classroom behaviour, creates calm and supports children's positive mental health and emotional wellbeing.  Since September we have been using the CalmBrain approach throughout the day, across all year groups.  Each activity takes between 2 and 4 minutes.

Created by Dr Sarah Taylor, a Consultant Clinical Psychologist specialising in children’s behaviour, CalmBrain delivers complex science in a fun way that reports progress on how well children are able to emotionally regulate.  Central to CalmBrain are the scientifically researched movements, which are designed to assist with healthy brain functioning and emotional wellbeing.

The children at St Michael's really enjoy the CalmBrain activities.  Ask your child which is their favourite activity.  


"Staff and children complete the ‘calm brain’ activities at least three times a day ... This helps them to refocus their minds after breaktime and lunchtime, for example. As a result, the school is a calm and very purposeful learning environment. Pupils are focused and ready to learn after playtime and for the whole day, including late afternoon." (Mrs Jackson)
