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Curriculum Overview

The School Curriculum


At St Michael's we follow the programmes of study from the National Curriculum.


Our curriculum includes all the activities and experiences that take place within the school both formally and informally.  It includes the organisation and methods of learning used by teachers and teaching assistants as well as the forms of knowledge, skills, and concepts that are learned and taught.  The curriculum also includes the development of positive values and attitudes which contribute to our distinctly Christian ethos.


The curriculum is broad and balanced to promote the spiritual, moral, social, cultural, emotional and physical development of all pupils whilst preparing them for adult life and society.  Under the 1988 Education Act parents have access to certain documents and policies relating to the curriculum.  If you require more information you are welcome to ask Mrs Jackson for this.


Our phonics programme is currently Read, Write Inc. and all pupils from Reception onwards are taught using this scheme.  Once pupils have completed the programme of work they follow literacy for their year group as indicated in the curriculum newsletters.

Curriculum Statement

Topic Overview
