At St Michael’s, children begin their reading journey with daily Read Write Inc lessons. Through this rigorous phonics programme, children learn to recall sounds and to read these sounds within real words and nonsense words. Alongside this work, children will build on their reading fluency, a skill which supports them as they move into whole class reading lessons. Through our reading lessons in year 2 onwards, the children work on the FIRECUP reading skills in order to develop not only their reading fluency but also their understanding of the text they have read. FIRECUP is the St Michael’s acronym for fluency, inference, retrieval, evaluation, comparison, understanding and prediction. Engaging class texts, alongside unseen comprehensions, are used as our vehicle to teach and develop these reading skills as children move through the school.
Parents were invited into school to see RWInc lessons in progress. After a parent workshop, led by the RWInc lead, they were able to explore phonics lessons and Write Dance sessions in Reception.