On Thursday 25th June, children from Reception, Year 1, Year 5 and Year 6 took part in a variety of physical challenges for Sports Day. It was one of the hottest days of the year so far. Whilst it was a quieter Sports Day than normal due to lockdown measures, the children participated in a familiar range of activities: 50m sprint, football dribbling, speed bounce, standing long jump, throw and catch, assault course and egg-and-spoon race. The teachers were kept busy timing the children and recording results; some also participated in the events.
Some Year 6 children gave their opinions:
“It was fun and entertaining; I liked the sprinting most.”
“It was really hot but the activities distracted me from the heat.”
“I liked the fact that the groups were smaller, so it wasn’t as competitive.”
One of the teachers also said, “Taking part in some of the challenges was really good fun – we worked as a team.”
It was a sporting success.