Our recent SIAMS Report (April 2023) states, 'Religious education (RE) and collective worship are outstanding. The passion and skill of leaders has inspired staff and children in school and beyond. Worship adds depth to
the spiritual elements of school. Pupils play a key role in its planning, leading and evaluation.
RE is exceptionally well planned and led. Leaders have set up an RE network for local schools to moderate together and share exemplary practice. Pupils have a deep and impressive understanding of world religions and other views. They show an excellent appreciation of the need to promote global understanding. This is reflected in their own school life. One example is thoughtful interfaith dialogue between Christian and Muslim pupils. Christianity is understood as a multicultural world faith. Feedback is highly effective in helping pupils gauge their progress and the subject has an excellent impact on their lives. St Michael’s is transforming lives of pupils and adults. All in the school community are loved unconditionally and given the opportunity to flourish, realising their hopes and aspirations.
Highly knowledgeable leadership of RE enables pupils to make excellent progress. Studies of Christian, Sikh and Muslim faiths give pupils a detailed understanding of the major faiths in their community. They readily apply knowledge of other religions to understanding one another. Pupils respond enthusiastically to ‘big questions’, becoming deeply critical thinkers. They confidently express their own beliefs and convictions. Regular engagement with text leads to a mature religious vocabulary and a deep understanding of Christianity.