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Year 3

Welcome to Year 3!


Our topic this term is Choc-tastic!

Our Reflection Area

During the Summer term we are reading 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory' by Roald Dahl.


In the Autumn term, Y3 have discovered the different types of rocks and how they are formed. The children have also grouped rocks based on their properties and carried out experiments to test the density of rocks. In October, Y3 carried out an experiment to identify what soil is made up of and how to see the different layers within different types of soil. 


During the Spring term, Y3 have been exploring magnets and forces. We have tested how cars move on different surfaces due to friction. 


In the Summer term we will explore the topic of plants. 


During their History lessons, Year 3 have been exploring what life was like for people in Ancient Greece. The children have researched how life was different for people in Ancient Greece and compared the similarities and differences between city states. The children have also explored Ancient Greek artwork.

 PSHE - 

As part of our PSHE, we have recognised our strengths and the strengths of others. We decided that we would make a paper chain that highlights our strengths on the outside of the chain, with the strengths of others on the inside of the chain.


Each member of the class wrote their strength on one side of a piece of card and then recognised a strength of another member of the class to write on the other side. Once they had completed their part of the chain they connected it together to create one long chain highlighting the different strengths within our classroom. 


The children decided that the chain symbolises how strong we are as a class because of our strengths and differences. Each member of our class has unique strengths!



Also within PSHE lessons we have explored kindness. The children filled buckets with kindness by identify ways that we can show and promote kindness St Michael's. 



Stone Age Boy

Still image for this video
Enjoy listening to Miss Evanson reading the beginning of our new Year 3 text "Stone Age Boy"!