Home Page

Year 4

Welcome to Year 4!

We are ready, respectful and responsible.

We show our vision-Love, Joy, Hope, Faith

'The Invisible' read by Mrs Morton

Still image for this video

Reflection Area


Sporting Heroes!

Our topic this term is Angle Land!

We are reading these books:

Music - Ukuleles

World Poetry Day - Performance Poetry - March 2024

West Midlands Fire Service Visit 15.3.24

World Book Day 7.3.24

Roman Art - Mosaic Tile Making

RE - Sikhism - Visit from Mrs Kaur

Design & Technology - International Lego Day 28.1.24

Ancient Egyptian Workshop Day - December 2023

PSHE - Being a Good Friend

Forest Schools

Celebrating Diwali-Bhangra Dancing Workshop - November 2023

ConnectEd Baseball PE Lessons with Mr Clarke - Autumn 2023
